05 November 2011

The Snow Crystals

Tonight, on a night of sporadic impulses on aggravation, not many thoughts have come to mind. When truth be told, the liar is held down beyond the one who is able to progress. While men are today, made mostly of machine, are incompatible with those who remain open-minded, there is one hope for us all, and that hope is caused by the snow crystals. Each individual crystal is completely symmetrical and unique, much like each human being, in a similar way. Though we all think differently, we remain as one race, human, and as long as we are human, we are capable of anything we can imagine, as long as we think of ourselves as the individual, and even as the snow crystals in some case. Let no one puncture the thought if which you think, for while your thoughts are being created, the universe is as endless as the possibilities in which you can imagine.

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