01 November 2011

One More Night to Remember

Tonight, for the day of ghouls and shadows, there were many parties where people of different backgrounds came home drunk, completely wasted, destroyed in their own manner. This, you see, is normality. On the other hand, I hate to admit this, but I've accepted the fact that Skrillex has one respectable song, because of the beginning. It's bass drop, however, it just like all the others. Skrillex, as a being, is his own king, and that is what leads to today's question. Today it is not whether or not one can become a king, but the real question though, is how we will all become kings, and whether or not the spectrum of possibility allows us to do so. We must all think outside our own minds to create a reality inside itself, and through this is what we make a truth. This truth is the sample of life, and this is what we need to survive. Good luck to anyone who has an astral streak for today, because today is a special day, and one that allows us to do great things. Let us all become a group of the same, while staying unique as the individual. Have a good night, everyone, and to those who are waking up, good morning, and welcome to another day in the life of Crystal Starlight.

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